Lynda – 3ds Max Advanced Lighting 高级照明
标题:Lynda - 3ds Max:高级照明
在3ds Max中,逼真的灯光比以往更容易,更快速,更好。光度学照明和各种渲染选项使您能够创造令人信服的幻觉。本课程侧重于建筑可视化,但这些技术适用于其他应用,如电影制作。作者Aaron F. Ross提供了高级照明和渲染的概念性概述,然后演示了如何在3ds Max中构建各种照明场景。他展示了如何渲染具有室内和室外日光,实用人工照明和制造商光度数据的场景。该课程包括一个关于特殊效果的章节,如光线排除和镜头效果。在课程结束时,您将看到如何控制3ds Max中强大的照明工具以实现逼真的结果。
Duration 2h 52m Project Files Included MP4
Title: Lynda – 3ds Max: Advanced Lighting
Realistic lighting is easier, faster, and better than ever in 3ds Max. Photometric lighting and a choice of rendering options gives you the power to create a convincing illusion. This course focuses on architectural visualization, but the techniques apply to other applications such as motion picture production. Author Aaron F. Ross provides a conceptual overview of advanced lighting and rendering, then demonstrates how to construct various lighting scenarios in 3ds Max. He shows how to render scenes with exterior and interior daylight, practical artificial lighting, and manufacturer photometric data. The course includes a chapter on special effects such as light exclusion and lens effects. By the end of the course, you’ll have seen how to control the powerful lighting tools in 3ds Max to achieve photorealistic results.
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