3DMotive – Stylized Dungeon In Maya Volume 4 程序化制作地下城
3DMotive - Maya第4卷中的程式化地下城
标题:3DMotive - Maya第4卷中的程式化地下城
3DMotive – Stylized Dungeon In Maya Volume 4
Title: 3DMotive – Stylized Dungeon In Maya Volume 4
In this course we will be going through the process of creating a small stylized dungeon environment from the blockout stage to the final presentation. I will be guiding you through the process of modeling the low poly assets and show you different techniques of uving. We will then take our assets to zbrush where I will be showing how to define all the materials that you will find in this environment. We will use some of the zbrush sculpts to render tiling texture flats that we can composite in Photoshop. I will be guiding you through the process of painting the textures for a few assets so you can reproduce this process for the remaining models. Finally we are going to set up a scene in marmoset for the final presentation. At the end of this course you will be able to create and understand the workflow that I use to create stylized environments like this one.
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