Interior Modeling Techniques in 3ds Max 3ds Max中的室内建模技术
3ds Max中的室内建模技术
建模复杂对象和创建引人注目的场景有时可能是一项非常困难的任务。在本课程中,您将能够完成整个现代客厅室内的整个创作过程。在本课程中,3ds Max中的室内建模技术,您将学习如何使用线创建几何以及如何管理复杂资产。您将了解正确使用不同工具以快速获得良好结果,以及创建既逼真又可渲染的场景时的最佳实践。完成这个3ds Max课程后,您不仅可以完成一个完整的场景,而且还可以在您自己的项目中应用此处看到的工具和实践。所需软件:3ds Max 2014或更高版本。
Duration 4h 50m Project Files Included MP4
Interior Modeling Techniques in 3ds Max
Modeling complex objects and creating compelling scenes can sometimes be a very difficult task. In this course, you will be able to follow the whole creation process of a complete modern living room interior. In this course, Interior Modeling Techniques in 3ds Max, you will learn how to create geometry using lines and how to manage complex assets. You will understand the proper use of different tools to achieve good results quickly, and also what are the best practices when creating a scene that is both realistic and render-ready. Once you are finished with this 3ds Max course, you’ll not only have a complete scene done but also will be able to apply the tools and practices seen here in your own projects. Software required: 3ds Max 2014 or higher.
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