Substance Designer 材质技术-Substance Designer Material Techniques
About this video
Go beyond the basics in Substance Designer. Learn advanced techniques for building new materials from scratch, as well as how to recreate real-life materials in Substance Designer.
超越物质设计师的基础知识。学习从头开始构建新材料的高级技术,以及如何在Substance Designer中重新创建真实材料。
After learning the basics of Substance Designer, you may wonder how you can take your material skills to the next level. If you're at this stage in your journey, you've come to the right place. In this course, we'll push your skills by experimenting with more advanced concepts such as, building specific materials, how to photograph real-life items, and import them into Substance Designer, and Procedural Modeling. Hi, I'm Emi Henri, and I'm using Substance Designer, whenever I need to create a complex material. And it'll be my pleasure to help you further explore the amazing tool that is Substance Designer. First, we'll do a brief refresher on the user interface, nodes, and graphs. Then, we'll move onto photographing real-life materials, importing and recreating them into Substance Designer. Next, we'll go through an exploration of how to sculpt into Substance Designer, using Procedural Techniques. And finally, we'll explore how to build specific materials, such as a forest floor, wood, and rusty metal. So if you're ready to get started on building great materials in Substance Designer, open up the software and let's get started.
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