作者简介:Eric是加利福尼亚州Irvine的暴雪娱乐公司的高级艺术家。 拥有超过十年的经验,擅长环境艺术和材料创作。他的作品经常在3D Artist中展出。他参与过Guild Wars 2,Gigantic,Skylander Super Chargers和Destiny 1&2等项目。
SUBSTANCE DESIGNER的教程, Eric通过推动本教程中的限制来展示Substance Designer的强大功能。
Well known for his crazy experimentations in Substance Designer and his mind-blowing attention to detail, Eric has collaborated with Levelup.Digital to bring you insights into his workflow. In this fully narrated, step-by-step tutorial, Eric builds an Octopus Tentacles project from start to finish.
Learn how Eric analyzes references, his approach to breaking down a material, and his personal tools and techniques for shaping and layering intricate details. Eric shows the power and capabilities of Substance Designer by pushing the limits in this tutorial.
Whether you’re a beginner or advanced Substance Designer user, you will come away with something new to integrate into your workflow.
Eric is a Senior Artist at Blizzard Entertainment in Irvine, California. With over ten years of experience, Eric specializes in environment art and material creation. Well known in the community for pushing the limits of what can be achieved inside of Substance Designer, Eric’s work has been featured in 3D Artist. He has worked on projects such as Guild Wars 2, Gigantic, Skylander Super Chargers, and Destiny 1 & 2.
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