多边形建模辅助工具DYNREMESH V2.0 FOR BLENDER 2.79-2.8
本插件是关于DynRemesh多边形建模辅助Blender插件V2.0版,大小:700 KB,支持Blender 2.79-2.8版软件,支持Win与Mac系统,语言:英语。
Alberto Gonzalez writes:
The DynRemesh 2.0 update brings quad-based remeshing & auto-retopology in Blender 2.8
DynRemesh is a quad-based remesher, assisting in retopology for your dyntopo sculpts & 3dscans containing too many tris(triangles).
It now includes support for QuadriFlow & many new features:
Weight Paint Operator(Define density with weights)
Symmetry Support(Experimental)
Relax + Smooth options
Auto-Update(Update mesh when changing settings)
Improvements to the resulting remesh
Auto-retopology with AutoFlow(Quadriflow)