3DS MAX绑定蒙皮权重插件Weight Pro 2.01 For 3ds max 2013 – 2020
3ds Max 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,2019,2020,Win64
KM-3D Weight Pro 2.01 for 3ds Max 2013 to 2020
WeightPro is a c++ 3ds Max plugin for automatic, fast and smooth Skin modifier weighting, no matter if the mesh has good or messy topology.
It voxelizes the mesh with the skeleton using GPU to calculate the shortest distances between bones and vertices. It allows you to make adjustments during posing in realtime.
clamp furthermost weights
copy bones settings on symmetrical objects
fully multithreaded calculations
each module is 64-bit without memory limits
a few bugs fixed
a few smaller improvements
free 30 days trial version
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