3D特效软件SIDEFX HOUDINI FX 17.5.229 WIN X64
Houdini powerful software for three-dimensional animation by Side Effects has been developed and marketed. Special Note This product animation for procedural distinguishes it from other software family. This application has the most famous animation studios such as Disney, Frozen, Zootopia, Rio, Ant Bully used and has proven their ability in this field. It is also known as Houdini Apprentice free version for non-commercial use and the free market. Houdini every effort applied to a product defect to the animation industry was, therefore, in any version of a host of new features based on user needs is intended to improve the quality and process of making animation will accelerate. Houdini is an open platform that uses a range of scripts for increased capabilities. For example, users are increasingly using Python for scripting packages the software they use so that even a script built-in software that Hscript also surpassed However, any scripting language that socket support usability in this application.
Features and Houdini:
-Three-dimensional modeling of characters and objects
-Keyframe-based animation company, CHOP
-Support for camera movements to create unique scenes
-Suitable power dynamic simulation of materials such as clothing, water, body dynamics and …
-Powerful lighting shading with careful and clever
-Rendering engine, built and efficient
-You can add application functionality by plugins
- Houdini粒子系统完全大师课程(双语字幕)Learn Squared – Houdini Particles by Adam Swaab 26
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- Houdini的FLIP模拟初级教程FLIP Simulation for Beginners in Houdini 1
- 分形矿物CGMK Tutorial – Fractal Minerals ( with HIP file) 0
- 程序化建模树&Vellum吹动树叶Procedural Modeling Trees In Houdini 0
- 【其他三维】-Houdini建筑纹理着色训练视频教程-CG艺术社