Houdini2019FMX宣讲会FMX 2019 Presentations
Top Five Features in Houdini 17.5
Houdini 17.5 is out and has some nice new features to help TDs and TAs do their day to day work. There will be an exploration of new and modified SOPs and other node types, UI improvements, VEX and scripting updates, and of course PilotPDG and TOPs are bound to be on the list. All the features will be related to production needs so you can take advantage of these features in your work and tools.
JEFF WAGNER | Senior Technical Consultant
Jeff “Old School” Wagner has been a part of the SideFX Software support team from the early days of PRISMS leading up to today’s Houdini. Over the years he has accumulated a vast wealth of knowledge and insight and is regarded by many as a true Houdini Guru. If you’ve encountered him online or watched one of the tutorials then now is the opportunity to meet him in person.
More Houdini videos from FMX 2019: sidefx.co/fmx2019
谷歌翻译:Houdini 17.5已经推出,并且有一些很好的新功能可以帮助TD和TA进行日常工作。将会探索新的和修改过的SOP和其他节点类型,UI改进,VEX和脚本更新,当然PilotPDG和TOPs必然会出现在列表中。所有功能都与生产需求相关,因此您可以在工作和工具中利用这些功能。
Jeff“Old School”Wagner从早期的PRISMS到今天的Houdini一直是SideFX软件支持团队的一员。多年来,他积累了丰富的知识和洞察力,被许多人视为真正的胡迪尼大师。如果你在网上遇到他或者看过其中一个教程,那么现在就有机会亲自见到他。
Renderman for Houdini
Learn about Pixar’s brand new RenderMan for Houdini plugin, completely rewritten to support the latest interactive workflows in RenderMan. Sarah Forcier will demonstrate RenderMan’s greatly improved integration with Houdini, including interactive modeling, shading, and lighting. Sarah will also highlight features like seamless support for Houdini’s geometric attributes, and the addition of Pixar’s powerful Preset Browser. Come check out this great new release, and you’ll get a RenderMan Limited Enamel Pin for FMX 2019!
SARAH FORCIER | Lead Developer, RenderMan for Houdini
Sarah joined Pixar Animation Studios last year as the lead developer for the new RenderMan for Houdini plugin, which is a complete rewrite supporting the latest features of RenderMan, including fast interactive workflows. Prior to Pixar, Sarah studied at Cornell University and the University of Pennsylvania. Sarah’s favorite Toy Story characters are Peatey, Peatrice, and Peanelope.
More Houdini videos from FMX 2019: sidefx.co/fmx2019
谷歌翻译:了解Pixar全新的RenderMan for Houdini插件,完全重写以支持RenderMan中最新的交互式工作流程。 Sarah Forcier将展示RenderMan与Houdini的大大改进集成,包括交互式建模,阴影和照明。 Sarah还将重点介绍Houdini几何属性的无缝支持,以及Pixar强大的预置浏览器。快来看看这个伟大的新版本,你将获得FMX 2019的RenderMan Limited Enamel Pin!
SARAH FORCIER | Houdini的首席开发人员RenderMan
Sarah去年加入皮克斯动画工作室,担任新的RenderMan for Houdini插件的首席开发人员,这是一个完整的重写,支持RenderMan的最新功能,包括快速交互式工作流程。在皮克斯之前,莎拉在康奈尔大学和宾夕法尼亚大学学习。莎拉最喜欢的玩具总动员角色是Peatey,Peatrice和Peanelope。
Houdini use is getting more and more prominent within both bigger and smaller studios. As a freelancer I work for a lot of different studios. Both on-site and remote. It’s interesting to see the increased use, but also the different integration of the software in the pipeline (or lack thereof). Will talk a bit about that, show some interesting projects I worked on, talk about managing stress & avoiding burnout, how I got into doing freelance Houdini work …and some additional rambling.
Tim is a freelance Houdini artist with a passion for all things CG. Mainly focused on the FX part of things, but he also loves lighting and shading. Apart from working for a wide range of clients, he also tries to make time for personal projects to push his skill and get to do stuff he’d never be able to do for work. With personal work he loves trying to take ordinary stuff and try to make it into CG with all the imperfections it has have in real life. Some may call it pointless, he call it FUN. Apart from that, he loves helping other people learn Houdini by putting out regular tutorials or fun experiment.
More Houdini videos from FMX 2019: sidefx.co/fmx2019
Curated Motion Design with Houdini
Bringing the power of houdini to the world of motion design through curated procedural systems.
Simon is a Partner and Director at Panoply. Over the last few years he has worked on countless ambitious projects crossing and merging the borders of design and visual effects. He’s also a global leader in VFX led motion design, speaking at international conferences such as OFFF, UsByNight, Playgrounds and FMX about his exceptional love of anything procedural.
More Houdini videos from FMX 2019: sidefx.co/fmx2019
Creatures in Houdini
What does it take to create photo-realistic furry creatures? We will try to answer that question by looking back at some of the recent creatures that have come through Framestore IA, and exploring the various grooming techniques we have developed in our department.
Ahmed returned to Framestore as Joint Head of CG in 2017, after a brief absence working on Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Ready Player One as Lead FX artist at ILM. Ahmed’s Framestore credit list includes major advertising hits such as McDonald’s ‘Reindeer Ready’, Sainsbury’s ‘Mog’s Christmas Calamity’ and Shell V-Power ‘Shapeshifter’. After gaining a BSc in 3D Computer Animation at University, Ahmed moved straight into the CG department at MPC, in 2007. He built up his skills as part of the commercials team, helping to win numerous accolades, including VES Awards for the iconic Cadbury ‘Spots v. Stripes’ campaign. In 2011 he made his move into film, working at Double Negative on several high profile projects including Captain America, Skyfall, Godzilla and Thor: The Dark World.
More Houdini videos from FMX 2019: sidefx.co/fmx2019
谷歌翻译:创建照片般逼真的毛茸茸生物需要什么?我们将通过回顾一些最近通过Framestore IA发现的生物并探索我们在我们部门开发的各种修饰技术来尝试回答这个问题。
艾哈迈德于2017年回到Framestore担任CG联合主管,此前他曾在“星球大战:最后的绝地”和“现成的播放器”中担任ILM的首席艺术家。艾哈迈德的Framestore信用名单包括主要的广告热门,如麦当劳的’驯鹿准备’,塞恩斯伯里的’Mog’s Christmas Calamity’和Shell V-Power’Shapeshifter’。在大学获得3D计算机动画学士学位后,艾哈迈德于2007年直接进入MPC的CG部门。他在商业团队中积累了自己的技能,帮助赢得了无数荣誉,包括标志性吉百利的VES奖。 Spots v.Stripes的活动。 2011年,他进入电影,在Double Negative工作,参与了几个高调项目,包括美国队长,Skyfall,哥斯拉和雷神:黑暗世界。
Virgin – Depart The Everyday
What do you do when you need to shoot a plane taking off in a storm and then flying through beautiful fluffy clouds at golden hour, but you don’t have a plane, a helicopter, a runway, or control of the weather? We take you through from concept and previs to final shots.
Electric Theatre Collective
Previously Head of CG / Creative Director at Framestore, Simon established his career in VFX working closely with highly regarded commercial directing duo Dom and Nic on projects such as the multi-award winning Chemical Brother’s ‘The Salmon Dance’ and Shelter’s ‘House of Cards’ campaign which went on to achieve meteoric success and become one of the most awarded commercial spots of the year.
Simon has a wealth of knowledge and experience as a VFX supervisor and CG lead with over 14 years experience. Simon was VFX supervisor and led the digital re-creation of Audrey Hepburn on the technically challenging ‘Galaxy Chauffeur’, which broke new ground for digital humans in the commercials world. Simon has worked closely with renowned director Danny Kleinman on many more projects including: James Bond ‘Spectre’ title sequence, Audi ‘Leap of Faith’, and most recently creating a photoreal lion head for the 2017 Mercedes S-Class commercial which received 2 VES nominations. In addition to Simon’s creative eye, he also brings with him a comprehensive technical skill set, building bespoke tools and pipelines that can be put in place to tackle the most complex of projects.
Electric Theatre is an award-winning collective comprised of a super-talented, diverse bunch of artists, makers and innovators. We’re obsessed with producing the most creative, visionary and quality work in the industry. In 7 years we’ve grown from 4 people to having studios in London, LA and Bristol. Electric is home to the best talent in the business, across all visual creativity disciplines; CGI, 2D, animation and colour grading. Since setting up shop in 2011, Electric has established itself as one of the world’s foremost VFX companies garnering accolades globally.
More Houdini videos from FMX 2019: sidefx.co/fmx2019
Simon先前担任Framestore的CG /创意总监,他在VFX的职业生涯中与高度重视的商业指导二人组Dom和Nic密切合作,参与多项获奖的化学兄弟的“鲑鱼舞”和Shelter的“House of Cards”等项目。此次活动取得了骄人的成功,成为今年获奖最多的商业广告之一。
Simon拥有丰富的知识和经验,作为VFX主管和CG领导,拥有超过14年的经验。西蒙是VFX的主管,领导奥黛丽赫本在技术上具有挑战性的“银河司机”的数字再创造,这为商业世界的数字人类开辟了新天地。西蒙与着名导演Danny Kleinman在更多项目上密切合作,包括:詹姆斯邦德’幽灵’冠军序列,奥迪’信仰飞跃’,以及最近为2017款梅赛德斯S级商业广告创造了一个真实的狮子头,获得了2个VES提名。除了Simon的创作眼光,他还带来了全面的技术技能,构建定制工具和管道,可以应对最复杂的项目。
电影院是一个屡获殊荣的集体,由一群才华横溢,多元化的艺术家,制作人和创新者组成。我们痴迷于创造业内最具创造性,远见卓识和高质量的作品。 7年来,我们已经从4人发展成为伦敦,洛杉矶和布里斯托尔的工作室。电气是所有视觉创意学科中业内最优秀人才的家园; CGI,2D,动画和颜色分级。自2011年开店以来,电气已成为世界上最重要的VFX公司之一,在全球范围内赢得赞誉。
Evolving Destruction Workflows
Houdini 17/17.5 include a number of excellent updates/additions to destruction workflows. In this presentation, Keith will discuss how his preferred destruction workflow has evolved with these new features. He’ll also compare bespoke techniques to built-in solutions & use the example scene from his recently revamped CGMA ‘Mastering Destruction in Houdini’ class to demonstrate some of these techniques.
KEITH KAMHOLZ | Lead FX Technical Director
Keith has previously worked at Industrial Light & Magic, Blue Sky Studios, Tippett Studio, and Framestore NY. He also teaches a Destruction FX class online for CGMA. He’s worked on ~20 feature films, with credit highlights including Pacific Rim: Uprising, Venom, Transformers: Age of Extinction, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, & Ice Age: Continental Drift. Keith has also presented some of his destruction techniques at SIGGRAPH 2018, courtesy of SideFX. He earned a dual-major B.A. in Computer Science & Media Study at SUNY Buffalo, and an M.S. in Digital Imaging and Design at NYU’s CADA.
Keith’s Mastering Destruction course on CGMA: sidefx.co/2JouABL
More Houdini videos from FMX 2019: sidefx.co/fmx2019
谷歌翻译:Houdini 17 / 17.5包含许多对销毁工作流程的出色更新/补充。在此演示文稿中,Keith将讨论他的首选销毁工作流程如何随着这些新功能而发展。他还将定制技术与内置解决方案进行比较,并使用他最近改进的CGMA“在Houdini中掌握毁灭”课程中的示例场景来演示其中的一些技巧。
Keith之前曾在Industrial Light&Magic,Blue Sky Studios,Tippett Studio和Framestore NY工作过。他还在线为CGMA教授Destruction FX课程。他参与了大约20部故事片,其中包括环太平洋地区:起义,毒液,变形金刚:灭绝时代,美国队长:冬季战士,冰河时代:大陆漂移。 Keith还在SIGGRAPH 2018展示了他的一些破坏技术,由SideFX提供。他获得了双学位B.A.在纽约州立大学布法罗分校的计算机科学与媒体研究,以及M.S.在纽约大学CADA的数字成像和设计。
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