I developed Hair Tool, addon for Blender, to simplify creation process of low/medium poly hair models
This addon will help you generate hair mesh ribbons with uv’s from bezier/nurbs curves. It is how most current games are doing hairs for characters.
For blender 2.8 use Hair Tool 2.0.x series. For blender 2.79 use HT 1.9.x.
ability to generate and interactively comb hair ribbons based on blender particle hairs (since 1.8 version)
generating hair ribbons from mesh surfaces
ability to uv unwrap and preview textures on hair curve ribbons
easy and convenient switching back and forth between curve ribbons and mesh mesh, while preserving mesh uv’s
ability to adjust ribbons radius profile over strand length to taper the ribbons shape
ability to convert curves to blender Particle Hair system
Generating vertex color and weights gradients for ribbons.
and more
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