八猴Marmoset ToolbagV3.0.7 Win版
本软件是关于Marmoset Toolbag八猴模型渲染引擎V3.0.7 Win版,大小:300 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
Marmoset Toolbag是8Monkey公司旗下用来展示游戏模型效果的工具包,Toolbag是一个实时的材料编辑和演示工具,Marmoset是8monkey公司所拥有的游戏引擎和工具集合的总称,而这款Marmoset Toolbag是他们推出的软件,该软件的主要特征功能是可以进行实时模型观察、材质编辑和动画预览,它能给游戏艺术家提供一个快速、简单、实用的应用平台来为其余人展示他们的辛勤劳动成果。
Marmoset公司发布了Toolbag 3.07,这是这款实时渲染工具集的最新版本。
Toolbag 3.07版本软件的主要更新是,onPeriodicUpdate和onRegainFocus中新增的Python技术,可用于定期检查外部文件。
Python Improvements:
- New hooks for periodic and “on focus” callbacks, making live updates much easier to author.
- Toolbag can now hide the main menu when launched from the command line (-hide option).
- Resolved a Python crash when using BakerObject.getTextureSetCount().
- Support for file type filters in file save and open dialogs.
- Python scripts now accept arguments in sys.argv when Toolbag is launched from the command line.
- PyBakerObject.getTextureSetCount and getAllMaps should now work correctly in all cases.
- Updated the Substance file format library to the latest version.
- The default material now uses a Metalness value of 0.
Baker Fixes:
- Tangent Space setting in baker now shows up correctly on file load.
- Baker no longer exports extra files when Multi-Layer PSD is enabled.
- The Scene list state is now maintained when reloading meshes with the Quick Loader.
- Material assignments are now maintained when reloading meshes with the Quick Loader.
- Fixed a crash when importing meshes via Quick Loader with the Import Full Scene Hierarchy option enabled.
- The Specular value in Adv. Metalness now matches other shading models.
Bug Fixes:
- Texture-less Metalness values are now handled correctly with glTF exporter.
- Resolved an issue with incorrect vertex colors due to multiple vertex color layers in FBX.
- Sky transforms are now handled correctly when parented to a Camera.
- Resolved a crash with invalid STL meshes.
- Text field controls now display long strings properly.