MayaBonusTools-2016-2019-win64 maya扩展插件的安装包工具
bonus tools是款相当不错的maya扩展插件的安装包工具;它也是由欧特克官方为广大的用户进行研发推出,安全方面相当的有保障,而且也对实用的功能进行集中,包括了这菜单的末尾进行添加需要的下拉菜单等,让您的创作变得更加的方便;软件也对各种需要使用的maya版本进行支持,也可对各种的布局进行快速的选择,让轻松的即可完成插件的安装使用,需要的朋友赶快将Autodesk Maya Bonus Tools下载(Maya插件)来使用试试吧!
Bonus Tools 2019 is a free collection of useful Maya scripts and plug-ins. After installing Bonus Tools, an additional pull-down menu will be added to the end of the main Maya menu. This new menu provides easy access to a variety of tools and utilities for daily use. Maya Bonus Tools has been organized to mimic the layout of the standard Maya menu sets. Each sub-menu contains a number of related tools. Each of these can be torn off and floated just like standard Maya menus.
What’s Updated in BonusTools 2019?
- UV Editing -> Auto Unwrap UVs Tool
- Modeling -> Flatten Component (Deformer)
- Rigging -> Nudge Vertex Weights
- Rendering -> Assign Materials for Each Selected
- Rendering -> Add Object Transparency Attribute
What’s been moved into Maya proper?
- Create -> Locator(s) at Vertices
- Create -> Locator(s) at Component Center
- Create -> Locator at Custom Pivot Axis
- Modify -> Proportional Placement Tool
- Display -> Enable Popup Help
- Modeling -> Flatten Component (Simple)
- Rigging -> Joint at Custom Pivot Axis
- Rendering -> Clean up Mental Ray Nodes
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