[ttl2v] 提取码: b6dm [/ttl2v]
MARI4.2V2最新版本,修复了多条BUG和优化性能,新功能增添了Mirrored projection,也是镜像投射功能。
Mirror projection brings highly-requested simultaneous, symmetrical painting workflows to Mari, without the need for specialized UV layouts. Artists can paint on one side of a mirror plane while Mari projects the same paint to the other side of the mirror plane, dramatically increasing artist efficiency. Mirror masking prevents secondary projected paint overlapping across the mirror plane. By masking the opposite side of the mirror plane for each projection, the paint meets at the mirror plane with a perfectly reflected edge. The mirror plane can also be locked onto an object or locator, allowing the reflected edge of the mirror projection to be manipulated to the best symmetrical position and orientation.
1.安装 Foundry Product
3.停止 Foundry License Server(在任务管理器- 停止Foundry License Server)
4.将破解的RLM . Foundry .exe复制到原始文件上(C:\Program Files\ the Foundry\LicensingTools7.1\bin\RLM\ RLM . Foundry .exe)替换目标中的文件。
5.编辑xf_foundry.lic (右键记事本方式打开-需要替换计算机名和物理地址)替换HOST_NAME MAC_ADDRESS PORT。(物理地址的查看方法是开始菜单点击运行-输入cmd,弹出窗口后输入ipconfig / all点击回车)修改后保存文本。
6.复制xf_foundry.lic 到C:\ ProgramData \ The Foundry \ RLM或C:\ Program Files \ The Foundry \ LicensingTools7.1 \ bin \ RLM \(找不到的话把文件夹选项里面的显示隐藏文件,文件夹和驱动器选项打开)
7.运行Foundry License Utility.exe,选择Diagnostics点击Run Diagnostics载入,然后选择RLM Server点击Start Server确定载入,最后将 Foundry License Server服务项重新启用(见3)然后关闭Foundry License Utility,破解完成
8.启动 Foundry Product,完毕!