MAX转Maya插件MaxToMaya v2.0a for Maya 2014 to 2019
This will make your life easier, speed up your production, and bring you a new world of possibilities.
♦ Transfer scene from 3DsMAX to Maya with 2 clicks!
♦ Vray Support! Transfer 3DsMax scene even if they have vray materials or lights (if vray for 3DsMax installed)
♦ Doesn’t needs to have the same version of Max and Maya to make it work (Max 2015 can transfer to Maya 2017, etc!)
♦ Open models made for 3DsMax and send them to Maya
♦ Fast make Maya library from 3DsMax models
♦ Transfer 3DsMax skinned characters and use the powerfull Maya character animation tools! keeping skin/morphs/etc
♦ Expand your workflow.
♦Vray支持! 转移3DsMax场景,即使它们有vray材料或灯光(如果安装了3DsMax的vray)
♦不需要使用相同版本的Max和Maya来使其工作(Max 2015可以转移到Maya 2017等等!)
♦传输3DsMax皮肤角色并使用功能强大的Maya角色动画工具! 保持皮肤/变形/等
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