Maya阿诺德渲染器插件Solid Angle Maya To Arnold 4.0.2 (简称MtoA)提供了一个阿诺德渲染器与标准Maya界面桥梁,更新支持Maya 2020。此版本使用Arnold 内核。ArnoldRender阿诺德渲染器是著名的逼真渲染系统”无偏蒙特卡罗光能传递”,支持Win,Mac与Linux系统,插件语言:英语(无中文汉化),目前所使用的有索尼,Glassworks,Sega, Framestore, Digital Domain, The Mill, Psyop, Ubisoft, Zinkia, Kandor, 737 shaker among等,为广告、动画系列电影怪物´s房子,《贝奥武夫》、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,2012 o Lluvia de西班牙等等。
Maya插件支持:Maya 2018,Maya 2019,Maya 2020
Arnold for Houdini (or HtoA) provides a tight bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Houdini interface, in a way that is familiar to both Houdini users and Arnold users in Maya or Softimage. It also enables smooth lighting workflows between Houdini and other DCC applications, since setups can be exported and shared.
- 安装后拷贝ai.dll到C:solidanglemtoadeploy2019bin
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