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cgyssCgyss  2020-10-10 21:16 CG艺术社 隐藏边栏  0 
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用虚幻引擎的蓝图创建游戏机制Udemy – Mechanic Game Design Using Blueprint In Unreal Engine 4
Learn Unreal blueprints by developing 2D & 3D games with this comprehensive guide from begin to finish


Implement sound effects, background music, and particle effects

Collect and destroy game objects

Master beginner blueprint concepts, like variables, "if" statements, and arrays

Navigate the Unreal Engine and discover unique features like the Marketplace

Detect collisions, receive user input, and create game mechanics

Creating the basic elevator game mechanics

Creating the sliding door game mechanics

Creating a day and night cycle in game

Creating a basic sprint system

Creating the level changing checkpoint

Create a pickup object with scoring

Create a grenade effect and game mechanics

Creating exploding enemy AI

Creating a UI minimap for game

Creating the player health pickup


Unreal engine 4

A basic understanding of mathematics (order of operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication) will facilitate comprehension of certain coding logic.

No prior programming or Unreal experience is required. If you have worked in C++ or Unreal before, this course can help you fine-tune your game development skills.

Before beginning this course, you should be comfortable browsing the Web.


Often times, learning a new game engine can be difficult, especially when it comes to Unreal Engine 4. Unreal Engine 4 makes your 2D and 3D games stand out, as long as you know how to properly use it.

This course will teach you exactly how to use it. The 15 lecture course (which only takes an hour and a half of your time) starts off with the basics. It teaches you how to implement the basics to create great visuals that are real to the human mind. From there, you are taught simple, clear concepts. That way it’s easy to follow and Unreal Engine 4 becomes much easier to use.


This course is not for someone who is an advanced game developer. This course is also not for students who are not interested in learning to code as you will get an introduction to the fundamentals of blueprint programming.

Anyone seeking an understanding of best visual coding practices such as organization with your project and optimal development workflow that are essential to game development.

People interested in developing commercial quality 2D and 3D games either professionally or as a hobby.

The ideal student for this course is someone who is interested in game development with Unreal and visual programming, C++, blueprint and is looking for an interactive, project-based course.

Cgyss 关注:0    粉丝:54 最后编辑于:2020-10-26


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