Hardsurface Rendering in Redshift by Christophe Desse
Course Description课程介绍
In this course, Christophe Desse shares his process for achieving realistic final renders of hardsurface assets, using Redshift. Christophe shares some basic resources to get up and running before walking through how he lays out his scene, covers materials and textures, and sets up the final render that will result in beautiful, attention grabbing, presentation pieces ready for a portfolio.
在本课程中,Christophe Desse分享了他使用Redshift实现逼真的硬表面模型最终渲染的过程。分享一些基本资源,以便在开始演示场景布局,覆盖材质和纹理以及设置最终渲染之前,可以开始并运行这些内容,从而可以制作漂亮,引人注目的演示文稿,并准备好进行作品组合。
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